Boomers for Fitness

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Do you have Grit?

Welcome to the first Weekly Bff Health Resource. Don’t hesitate to contact me with questions or comments. Happy reading!
Have you made resolutions with the new year upon us? I did, in a way. After much reflection from last year, I decided to focus my energy on the things I can control, such as my nutrition and my physical and mental health.

You may know that several years ago, I embarked on a training in which I became a Certified Integrative Movement Specialist (IMS). It is a program, unlike many others, that provides on-going education which continually adds to my wealth of knowledge. The program has also provided an amazing community of like-minded professionals throughout the world, whom I have gotten to know and directly collaborate with. Covid actually brought our community closer, virtually, that is.

The IMS team of professionals have worked together to bring valuable resources not just to us professionals but to our clients as well. I am so excited to share these resources with you throughout this coming year. Many of these resources will be available to you for free and you will be able to see them in the Bff Weekly Health Resource and on our social media pages. As you start to see, read and watch these new resources, I encourage you to participate, ask me questions, and share them with anyone you feel they may help. Another realization that came out of this professional collaborative effort was that we, along with our clients share Grit.

Just like me, my clients have grit. They are resilient, they work hard, and they are passionate about their health and living well. Does that sound like you? If you want to revisit or renew your goals, let me know. Let’s combine our grit and make this the best year yet!