Our Programs
At Boomers For Fitness, we offer personalized workout programs that can be done in the comfort of your own home or condo. We also offer virtual programs for those who prefer to workout from the safety of their own homes. For group workouts, we rent a place where we can all workout together.

Spine and Low Back Health
Understanding your body and your daily movement habits are key factors to low back and spine health. For instance, the way we walk, sit, and stand for long periods or even the way we drive a car can lead to weak and misaligned vertebrae, which can hinder your spinal health. We assess your body and based on the results we learn what your body needs. We teach you new effective motions that will help strengthen your spine and relieve low back tension for improved mobility/strength and ease of movement.

Pre/Post Surgery/Injury
We specialize in making weak areas of your body not just stronger but more mechanically efficient. We use myofascial release techniques and corrective exercise strategies to provide you with better range of motion and healthier muscle tissues for lasting results.

Hip & Knee Flexibility and Strength
If you have had previous issues with these areas, we can help you move and exercise safely without reinjuring yourself. We pair corrective exercises along with proper weight distribution and functionality, which results in greatly improving the strength and flexibility of your knees and hips.

Functional Fitness
Things that can dramatically change one's life are the ability to breathe well, balance well, strength, stamina and brain health. Also, to reduce wear and tear on our joints requires that our everyday movements are efficient. All of these elements are intertwined into our cardiovascular and strength training protocols. We implement the A, B, C's - Alignment, Breathing, and Control, to ensure the most effective way to train your body.

Neck and Shoulder Issues
There are many things that can go wrong in these two intricate parts of our bodies, from disc issues, chronic tension, or tightness, rotator cuff tears and much more. Understanding the deep anatomy of these areas is our key to providing safe strategies that encourage your muscles to work more efficiently during posture and movement patterns.

Foot & Ankle Strategies
Most individuals have plenty of stability in their feet, but not enough flexibility. We focus on loosening tight tissue around the calves, ankles, and feet, followed by effective foot and toe exercises. This helps with many issues such as bunions, plantar fasciitis, foot neuropathy, and provides an important role in better movement, balance, gait, and fitness.

Balance and Gait
Staying upright while minimizing fall risk requires the ability to transfer body weight from one leg to another. Foot movement and eye dissociation also play a major role in stability. While working on these aspects we provide a sensible progression of exercises that are safe and productive, improving how you walk and balance.

Core and Posture Training
An individual's diaphragmatic breathing pattern and rib cage angle can have tremendous effects on posture, core strength, movement, and can even play a role in gastro issues and incontinence. We teach three-dimensional breathing patterns specific to your body's needs. This builds up deep core strength and promotes natural alignment of the spine and ribcage which ultimately results in better overall posture and movement.

Mobility is the key to independence and quality of life. By the time we hit 50, our bodies have been through a lifetime of experiences, which has a profound effect on our ability to move. While some things can't be reversed, we certainly have the power to create changes that promote space and length in between our joints and muscles. THE IMS checks and balances system allows us to pinpoint those exercises that help our bodies to move, exercise, and overall feel better.